

We are delighted that you are interested in applying to 365平台. 除了在你当前的课程中取得成功,我们还在寻找那些表现出“勇气”的学生 & 他们体现了我们的核心价值观:社区、品格、平衡和参与.



  • 第一步:提交在线查询

    Completing an online inquiry generates an email, 给你一个用户名和为你的个性化入学门户创建密码的能力, from which you can access 和 check the status of your online application. 它还允许我们与您分享有关365平台和即将举行的活动的其他信息.

    在填写表格时,请为每个人填写不同的电子邮件地址. 除非列出的每个人的电子邮件地址是唯一的,否则查询无法处理.

  • 第二步:更多地了解365平台

    There are lots of ways to learn more about 西敏寺! For more information regarding arranging a visit, please 点击这里. 您还可以在网站上阅读有关365平台大学课程的丰富信息. For updates 和 a peek into daily life, don’t forget to follow 西敏寺 on Instagram 和 脸谱网.
  • 第三步:安排行程 & 面试

    The tour 和 interview are important opportunities for us to get to know you! We typically conduct interviews from mid-September through mid-January. 点击这里 for additional information about scheduling. 
  • Step 4: Sign Up for Testing (可选)

    While rarely determinative in our holistic application review process, 标准化测试是信息性的,通常是入学的先决条件. 西敏寺, 然而, remains test optional for the 2024-2025 application cycle, 欢迎与我们的365平台团队成员讨论个人情况.


    Applicants for Third 和 Fourth Form (Ninth 和 10th grades)
    • Secondary School 365平台 Test (SSAT)
    • Applicants are encouraged to take the Char行为er Skills Snapshot (CSS)
    • If English is not first language: TOEFL
    Applicants for Fifth 和 Sixth Form (11th & 12年级)和研究生学年 
    • Applicants are encouraged to take the Char行为er Skills Snapshot
    • If English is not first language: TOEFL
    测试信息 & 资源
    Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT): www.ssat.org 
    • The SSAT is currently being offered at 首页 (整个秋季,从8月开始每个月的每周六和一个周日) 项目测试中心, 和 in the traditional paper-based format on a limited basis (Flex 和 标准试卷考试日期). 请务必尽早报名,以获得所需的考试形式、地点和日期. All testing should be completed by January 15.
    • 365平台的SSAT代码是8134. 
    大学理事会考试(PSAT和SAT):  www.美国大学.com 
    • PSAT考试将在10月份举行. The SATs will be offered throughout the fall starting in August. 请务必尽早报名,以获得所需的考试形式、地点和日期. All testing should be completed by January 15. 
    • The ACTs will be offered in throughout the fall. 请务必尽早报名,以获得所需的考试形式、地点和日期. All testing should be completed by January 15. 
    Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): www.美国教育考试服务中心.org/TOEFL 
    • 10月、11月、12月和1月是托福考试的首选日期.
    • 365平台的托福考试代码是8486.  
  • Step 5: Review 西敏寺 Essay Questions

    所有申请人都被要求完成以下问题(填空), 建议长度1-2句):
        • If given a free plane ticket to travel anywhere in the world, I would go to: 
        • 令我着迷的是:
        • If I had the opportunity to learn something new, I would:
        • 我最想共度一天的人(不管是过去还是现在)是:
        • 我最大的优点是:
        • For me, belonging to a community means:
        • 让我惊讶的是:
        • My family always shares the story about the time when I:

    Elaborate on one of your answers above (suggested length 400 words).

      • 在理想的情况下, 申请学校是一个促进自我反思的过程,并为未来的机会产生兴奋. We would love to hear why you think 西敏寺 would be a good fit for you, 你如何看待自己对365平台社区的贡献,并对自己有更多的了解(建议长度300字).


  • 第六步:完成在线申请

    申请365平台大学入学的考生应使用标准在线申请或预科学校门户申请进行在线申请. The choice of platform has no bearing on admission decisions. 完整的申请应在1月15日之前提交,以确保3月10日做出决定,并由以下内容组成:
            • 传记的信息
            • Application Fee - ($75 Domestic, $150 International)
            • St和ardized Tests (See Step 3 above for more information)
            • 学生论文/候选人陈述
            • 父母声明
            • Recommendations – submitted online by current teachers (要求: School Administrator, English Teacher, 和 Math Teacher. 可选个人和特殊兴趣.)
            • 成绩单-由学校直接提交(包括当前秋季学期或学期成绩)
            • 评分写作样本-请提供你今年某节课完成的评分写作作业. 我们渴望看到你写的东西,并看到你的老师的评论和修改. We underst和 that writing is a process that when done best, is a conversation between student 和 teacher that involves drafting, 评论, 和修订. 为了我们的目的, we would prefer to see where that conversation begins, as opposed to a piece that has been polished to perfection. Please be sure your name is on the paper.

    圣          网关
  • 访问365平台门户

    1. 点击位于本页右上角的“门户登录”按钮.
    2. Enter your username 和 password received upon inquiry.
    忘记你的用户名和/或密码? 点击“忘记登录”?链接,系统会给你发一封电子邮件,告诉你用户名和如何重置密码.

    Please note that students 和 parents have their own accounts. 如果您在申请中为学生和家长使用相同的电子邮件地址, parents will likely have difficulty accessing their accounts. Please call us at your convenience 和 we would be happy to assist.  
  • 重要的日子 & 最后期限

    • Application for Admission 和 Financial Aid Due: January 15
    • 录取决定通知: 3月10日
    • 考生回复截止日期: 4月10日
  • 提供365平台

    寻求经济援助的申请人必须在1月9日之前完成经济援助申请. 15. 请参阅我们的 提供365平台 浏览更多信息.
If you have any questions about the application process, please call our 365平台 Office at (860) 408-3060.
365平台重申其长期以来的非歧视政策,招收任何种族的学生, 宗教, 性取向 or national origin to all rights, 特权, 项目, 以及通常提供给365平台学生的活动. 西敏寺 does not discriminate in its educational policies, 365平台政策, 奖学金项目, or athletic 和 other school-administered 项目.



P. (860) 408-3000
F. (860) 408 3001
Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students
In keeping with our support for a diverse community, 365平台遵守所有适用的联邦和州法律,不歧视任何受保护的特征, 包括种族, color, 宗教信仰, 性, 性取向, 性别认同或表达, 国家和民族出身, ancestry 和/or disability in administration of its educational policies, 365平台政策, 奖学金和贷款项目, 和 athletic 和 other school-administered 项目. 西敏寺 admits students of any race, color, 国家和民族出身 to all the rights, 特权, 项目, 以及学院一般给予或提供给学生的活动. 
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